Here are 6 ways to approach food-focused festivities to feel in control and still enjoy the fun
For many, the holiday season may deem daunting, let alone Thanksgiving, as a holiday that is most often celebrated with food. With friends, family and food flowing, we’re here to help you feel a little less overwhelmed and a little more prepared (without having to take a sack lunch).
- Drink Up
Good, old fashioned H2O is the way to go. Water not only helps to fill you up, but helps the digestion process, as well. Drinking before, during and after your Thanksgiving dinner will assist in keeping things balanced and keeping things moving. Make sure to drink plenty of water going into Thursday and let this natural appetite suppressant work its magic.
- Gobble, Gobble
Be protein-focused. This is great news, since for most the Thanksgiving meal is centered around turkey. Even before the big meal, though, eat plenty of protein. This will aid in being full and satisfied, rather than going into dinner hungry and ravenous. Of course, though, remember to get other whole foods in, like fruits and vegetables, to make for a balanced diet.
- Get Active
This doesn’t mean you need to run a marathon (unless you’re into that, then props to you). Do a fun family workout, go on a walk with loved ones, play in your neighborhood turkey bowl, etc. You can still get movement in without missing out on playing games, hanging out or watching football.
- Listen To Your Body
Is the food wonderful? Great. Are your taste buds dancing? Amazing. What about your stomach? Listen to what your body is telling you. If you’re hungry, eat more. If you’re full, stop. If you’re not sure, take a break. It is important to fuel yourself. However, just because Uncle Ted can pound 20 helpings of mashed potatoes, doesn’t mean you’re missing out if you don’t.
- Chew On That
Have you ever seen Ratatouille? If you have, you probably remember the scene when Remy takes a bite of cheese and a strawberry, relishing in the flavors of each. As you are eating, slow down and savor each bite. It’s an experience, not a race, so chew your food thoroughly. Tap into your senses and take note of the different textures and tastes you encounter.
- Mindset
Give yourself grace. Thanksgiving doesn’t come everyday. Enjoy that pumpkin pie, the warm gravy and flaky rolls. Don’t let your worries ruin the party. One day of, perhaps, eating differently than you usually do will not throw your weight loss off track. Instead, focus on making memories and all you have to be thankful for.
And remember if you eat too much there is always Semaglutide and other weight-loss injections from ShedRx that can help jump start your journey.